The NHAS was awarded a Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) titled ‘Learning Science Through Research’, from NIH NIGMS in 2020. This 5-year, 1.2-million-dollar grant to inspire middle and high school students to pursue STEM careers has three major aims: ​

1) Providing mentored authentic scientific research experiences in our main STEM Center in Lyme NH (Summer Programs and After-School Programs).
Over 100 students each year have participated in research across NHAS sites in Summer Programs, After-School Programs, and extracurricular programs. Satellite labs included the Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium STEM Lab, Lebanon High School’s NHAS Extended Learning Opportunity (ELO), and Canterbury Shaker Village.

2) Transforming teachers into inspirational mentors and educational leaders.
Dr. Chery Whipple and Dr. Amy Lyons have organized a course for pre-service and in-service K-12 teachers at Colby-Sawyer College (CSC). This course pairs CSC science, child development, or education prep majors with in-service teachers to develop and implement novel pedagogy that is focused on teaching science through authentic research, science phenomena, and discrepancy events​. The work is curiosity-driven, supports student’s choice, and encourages student-driven research in lieu of “cookbook” labs​. K-12 in-service teachers have the option to receive continuing education credits​.  

Teachers can also contact to NHAS to receive ad hoc training in specific research techniques and borrow related equipment from the Equipment Loan Library (ELL).  

3) Creating a regional network for teachers and students to borrow research equipment, communicate findings, and participate in a scientific community.
Our Equipment Loan Library provides science equipment and resources to teachers, enabling them to perform inquiry-based science in their classrooms without needing to purchase or store equipment.
— A recently launched Mentor Library connects students with each other and mentors beyond our programming to communicate about science, college, and careers.
— Events connect our students to the broader community to communicate their findings and meet fellow scientists.
Sample events:
Poster sessions at Dartmouth College
The first NHAS STEM Symposium on April 1, 2023.